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God's Will Opens the Door to Experiencing His Love

Many in our day struggle with feelings of loneliness, despair, depression, and anxiety. We live in challenging times, bombarded with so much information including multitudes of lies. Falsehoods unnoticed creep into our minds about God and what He is like, about ourselves and what matters in life, and concerning the TRUTH which alone brings true joy and peace. Images, chatter, and data bombard us constantly. It is hard to hear God whispering His “I love yous” throughout our days. Each of us yearn for genuine and unending love, intimate understanding, and One who is loyal, faithful, and near to us always. Jesus Christ is the door through which we enter a personal relationship with the God of the Bible who loves us like no other. God’s will and His ways are available to each of us every day and they alone allow us to experience the richness and joy of His love.

Yet many wonder, “What is the meaning of the phrase ‘GOD’S WILL’?” “How does it operate in one’s life?” Do I really WANT God’s will for my life? At these times, we need to understand that the glory of heaven is that God’s will is done there. In heaven, there is no one and nothing to hinder the complete working of God’s perfect will. That is what makes heaven – heaven.

In the Lord’s prayer, Jesus teaches us to come to the Father with the petition that His will be done on earth, even as it is in heaven. In our lives, we can in fact experience something of heaven on earth as we CHOOSE to live within His will. Jesus expressed this when He said, “The kingdom of heaven IS IN you.”

We know that the human will is the power by which we determine our actions. By our will we decide what to do or what not to do. Our will gives outward expression to our hidden, inner being. It reveals our character. It expresses who and what we are.

As OUR WILL demonstrates OUR character, GOD’S WILL reveals HIS character. It is the faultless expression of His divine perfection. We find His will revealed to us through His son, Jesus Christ. In the Bible, the first chapter of Hebrews speaks eloquently of this. BECAUSE God is the source of all goodness and beauty and blessedness – BECAUSE He is love His will is inconceivably beautiful, blessed, and loving. His will is the expression of His being. God is good and God is love. He wills ONLY the best for us.

Pray that God will show you HIS WILL and HIS LOVE. May you come to know with all your heart that He is worthy to be trusted, to be honored, to be worshiped and adored.

“The Lord alone can prepare the mind to receive the Scriptures.” – Charles Spurgeon

Below are some excerpts from Psalm 25:

“Show me Your ways, O Lord;

Teach me Your paths.

Lead me in Your truth and teach me,

For You are the God of my salvation;

On You I wait all the day…

All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth,

To such as keep His covenant and His testimonies…

Who is the man that fears the Lord?

Him shall He teach in the way He chooses.

He himself shall dwell in prosperity,

And his descendants shall inherit the earth.

The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him,

And He will show them His covenant.

My eyes are ever toward the Lord,

For He shall pluck my feet out of the net.”

Get out the Word and read all of Psalm 25. What should be our attitudes of mind and heart as we find them described in this Psalm? What description do we find of God here? How does He reveal His will to us?

LOOK FOR opportunities this week to TURN TO HIM, to SEEK HIS WILL, to TRUST HIM, and to WAIT ON HIM!

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