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On The Subject of Discipline

DISCIPLINE... Since the beginning of 2017 God has been speaking this word into my heart. Not the kind of discipline my toddler needs, but the kind where I am intentional and organized with my time, energy, thoughts, and actions. The kind where I am self-disciplined to wake up before said toddler and spend time in the Word. The kind where I exercise five days a week and make healthy eating choices. The type of discipline that keeps my heart focused on Christ and at peace in all circumstances but also keeps my hands and feet diligent and attentive to the tasks at hand. Yes, this is the type of discipline I am needing.

You see, I always thought I was a fairly organized person. I got straight A's, swam on the swim team, and kept a clean room growing up. I didn't skip class in college, got great reviews during student teaching, volunteered with a program to feed and play with low income students, and still kept all the balls in the air. From there, I spent five years teaching Kindergarten, volunteering in the church nursery, getting married and running a home, and still thought I was doing pretty well...

And then I had a child!

Now it feels as though my best laid plans, organizational and time management skills, ability to find things or remember anything has flown out the door! Truth be told, it has taken me weeks to even finish this blog post! As soon as I sit down to write, someone wakes up from her nap or needs a diaper change! The nights I set my alarm to get up early always seem to be the ones when Emma wakes throughout the night. (Thank goodness she's cute.)

But, I am pressing on to pursue a disciplined life because I want to be a godly woman. If you haven't read Proverbs 31 in a while, I highly encourage you to stop and read it - especially the section about a Wife of Noble Character. Verses 27-30 are some of my favorites and I put the words in bold that really spoke to me:

"She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: 'Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.' Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."

I make time to get in God's Word every day because I need to know what it says if I am going to be able to speak with wisdom and faithful instruction. I take care of my health and my body so that I have the energy and strength to take care of my toddler and my home. And God's Word says that when I do these things, I am fearing the Lord and that is praiseworthy thing for a woman to do!

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